Bright and early, members gathered, unloading trucks beds and car trunks of potted greenery, for the
Highlands Street Festival.

The Highlands Garden Club booth was a plant sale of perennials donated from members' gardens.
(Left: Paradise in a parking lot.)
Tables and the tent were set in place, and then plants were madly priced and moved into their best light.

(Right: All set up, in a shared tent with the Highlands Historical Society.)
For the next five hours, members sold plants and answered various gardening questions -- all the while enjoying some popcorn and the festival's music entertainment.
Even though it was rainy and unseasonally chilly for most of the day, there was decent traffic and some sales. Two people signed up for membership - look forward to seeing them at future meetings and events!
(Above: Our neighbour vendor, an artist, and his plant sale find.)
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