Pretty plants that come back year after year? Sign me up! But, can it really be that easy?

This is a well thought out and very pretty book. It hits the right notes with me, a beginner gardener - providing lots of information, sensible advice, and inspiration for more. The "first choice" plants include zone 3 (good for Edmonton) and plenty of advice on how to substitute for those that aren't. The plant photos are particular favourites - especially those in seed in the "For the Birds" and "Winter Wonderful" gardens. Best of all, it's available at EPL!
The book is divided into two main parts: "Five-Plant Gardens for Full Sun to Partial Shade and "Five-Plant Gardens for Partial to Full Shade". (See * for additional info on the book's structure.)
- Simple designs can be tiled and combined to expand your garden over time or to fit around structures (such as a porch or pathways)
- Gardens are themed: colours, bloom time, attracting / deterring wildlife, usage (e.g. cuttings, scent)
- Includes plant alternates (named and general e.g. "Another 6- to 12-inch-tall perennial with white flowers, such as wall rock cress..."), so you can substitute as needed and still keep the original garden's look
- Includes a "Season by Season" summary and "Digging Deeper" section for each garden with what to expect, how to care for plants, and how to use the garden
- Nothing bad, just some limitations: Plant care in the long run not addressed ("Many perennials can live for 3 to 5 years with hardly any attention..." what afterwards?), is a "plant-by-numbers guide" doesn't teach principles of design.
- Table of Contents lists garden names without specific page numbers
The book doesn't have a Bee-Friendly focus, but does indirectly incorporate some bee-friendly features:
- Uses bee-friendly plants (full of pollen and nectar, or native) e.g. Echinacea purpurea (coneflower), Monarda (bee balm), rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan), sedum, and gives enough information for you to substitute your choice of bee-friendly plants
- Multiple plants of the same kind are grouped together - advises planting the same flower in clumps to attract bees. This could be because bees harvest from one type of flower at a time and locate flowers using sight -- mass plantings are easier to see find and would allow for maximum food collection on each trip.
* Each garden includes:
- A planting plan
- A moisture requirement scale (Dry, Average, Moist)
- A pretty illustration of the garden
- Photographs of the plants on a plain background
- A shopping list for plants (with suitable alternatives)
- A "Season by Season" summary on what to expect in the garden and how to care for the plants
- A "Digging Deeper" section ideas and suggestions (such as how to incorporate annuals into the specific plan or where it might be especially suitable)
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